Learn about our custom-built audit programs specifically designed for your organization to determine actual revenue earned by each of your franchisees.

Learn more about our programs designed to uncover compliance or operational violations of the franchise agreements.

Learn more about our secret shopper program designed to evaluate how the franchisee employees represent your organization.

Where is your revenue hiding?

For more than 25 years, we’ve helped franchisors recover substantial, recurring revenue that would have been lost otherwise.

We do so by assessing their franchisees’ compliance with the franchise agreement and contracts, and clarifying expectations in a way that protects and enhances both their revenue and the franchise relationship.

Our clients often recoup their investment many times over.

We’ll put the same proven processes to work for you to take your business further. Our accounting professionals work with clients spanning the breadth of franchise exposure–from brand new franchisors to established multi-national publicly-traded entities. 

Let’s chat about how we can help your franchise.